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Blogger Recognition Award

Now today I’ve got some great news!!! The lovely Kimberly from All In With Kimmie L has nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award!! Woot! Woot!!

I want to  extends a super thank you out to Kimberly for nominating me. And a very Big thanks to my fellow Bloggers/Followers/Friends who have supported me so far. My blog is nothing without all of you, so thank you so much for all of your support everyone.

What is the Blogger Recognition Award?

The Blogger Recognition Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers for all their love and hard work they put into their blogs. It also motivates bloggers and helps them to connect to many new readers. The recipient must then share their blogging background and two pieces of advice for those starting to blog, and nominates other bloggers.

The Blogger Recognition Award is one of the most awarded in the blogging industry. It encourages growth and community among bloggers, and enables newbies to gain valuable advice and exposure. Since the award is a community effort, it is always fantastic to participate and encourage others do so, but if you chose not to, that’s also quite okay.


Now let’s get on with the fun part of the post shall we!

The Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and give the link to their blog.

  2. Write a blog post on your website about receiving the award.

  3. Describe the story of why you started your blog.

  4. Write two pieces of advice you have for new bloggers.

  5. Nominate 10 to 15 other bloggers who have your vote of confidence.

  6. Notify each of your nominees of their nomination.


What is my blog about and why did I start writing?

My blog is a personal lifestyle blog. I focus mainly on beauty, books, travel and try to throw in some tidbits of advice along the way. I originally started writing poems as a way to express myself. A way to share my joys, work though my painful moments and to be fully open about how I was feeling at the time. This later evolved into me blogging about things I thought were interesting and others would find useful and then TaTa to my poems in the public sphere ( I journal now) and hello to As told by Nella.


Advice for new bloggers

Find your Unique Voice, Be Patient and Be Consistent. Start where you are and grow your voice.

As a new blogger, it might be intimidating to figure out where you fit in the blogosphere. There are so many bloggers and blogs that it can be overwhelming when you think about getting yourself out there and noticed for the work you are putting in, but you have to be patient. Some people maybe viral sensations overnight but most people work hard at their craft and put effort in their art in order for it to be successful. Find your voice. Find your point of view. Find what you are passionate about. Invest your time in honing this voice, be consistent with the efforts you put out and be patient. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. It’s your blog so let it be the best version of you it can be.

Give credit where credit is due

The wonderful thing about the blogosphere is that it’s a wonderful place for inspiration, and new ideas. However, as you note something cool or interesting another blogger or person is doing and chose to do an adaptation of it, don’t forget to give the necessary credits to the originators. It’s a great way to avoid any negative energy or legal action towards your blog.

Bonus advice: 

Carry a pen and notebook everywhere because you never know when inspiration will strike. And if you’re not a pen and paper person, ensure you have a note-taking app on your phone, tablet, whatever and jot down your ideas as they strike.


My Nominees












Here are the rules for the nominees:

Congratulations on your nomination! I’m so happy we’ll be taking this journey together!!

  • Write a post to show your award

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and leave a link to their blog in your post

  • Give your readers a brief history about this awesome award

  • Give a brief story of how and why you started blogging

  • Give two pieces of advice you would give to brand new bloggers

  • Select 10 other amazing bloggers you want to give this award to

  • Lastly, let them know you have nominated them and giving the link to the post you have created

Congratulations again, enjoy and happy blogging!